Wednesday, October 31, 2012

There and back again...

Mr Leave here from Shore Leave Media. I title this post There and Back Again because I am personally returning to the Hobbit. 

Tolkien's work was introduced to me at a young age. I had a cassette tape with dramatically read excerpts from The Hobbit. As a teen, I read The Lord of the Rings series with an eye towards universal spiritual truth. 

As a young adult, the Peter Jackson films made an astounding and tangible impact as a new generation encountered the LOTR on a Wagnerian scale. 

And as we approach the release of The Hobbit film, I return to my first introduction to Tolkein. I will be re-reading, re-discovering, and blogging about an adult who goes back there again- to the Hobbit. 

Stay tuned. I purchased an ebook version from the iTunes Books collection. In addition to rediscovering this timeless tale, I'll also be exploring the new world of digital publishing. This should be very good.